Chia Egg Substitute

Vegan Variety

Prep: 5 Min | Cook: 0 Min

Use a "chia egg" as an alternative in baking, cooking, etc for a vegan and fiber-filled option.



1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
3 Tbsp Water


  1. Mix chia and water in a small bowl. Let sit 5 minutes or until the mixture takes on a goopy texture like a raw egg yolk.
  2. Add to any baked good recipe instead of an egg!

Nutrition Facts

Calories: 60

Total Fat: 4.5g

Total Carbohydrate: 5g

- Dietary Fiber: 5g

- Sugars: 0g

Protein: 3g

Calcium: 6%

Iron: 4%

These percentages represent the suggested daily healthy adult dose for vitamins and minerals.
