Holiday Gift Guide 2019

We love kitchen tools, and what better gift to get your favorite foodie for the holidays? This year, we are sharing some of our favorite things in our healthy holiday gift guide. Whether looking for the perfect present, or simply hoping to improve your own health habits, these recommendations are sure to please! Kitchen Gadgets:...Read More ›

Kid Friendly Lunch Ideas

One of the biggest questions parents ask us — how do I pack a healthy lunch for school? This school lunch dilemma is further complicated by lack of refrigeration, short lunch periods and picky eaters! So how do you pack a healthy lunch that is also kid friendly? Jackie Bender is met up with FEED...Read More ›

Artificial Sweeteners – Are they safe for kids?

From drinks, candies and desserts to canned foods, dairy products and even baked goods, you can find sugar substitutes on nearly every aisle of your local grocery store. Even products that advertise “no aspartame” or “no [other sugar substitute]” may have just substituted one artificial sweetener for another. So exactly what are these sugar substitutes that you see everywhere? Are...Read More ›

The Game Changers

We are constantly bombarded with nutrition messages–on television, while we scroll through our social media feed, at our workplace, at holiday dinners with friends and family. But, who do we believe? What is the “right” information to follow? As a registered dietitian, my job is to distill the myths from the facts, and help consumers...Read More ›

What’s in Your Pantry?

  What’s in your Pantry? We believe healthy eating begins in the home. One of the most important keys to achieving a healthy lifestyle is establishing simple, sustainable habits and having a well-stocked pantry can be the first step in that direction. Surprisingly, WHAT you have on hand can matter as much as WHERE things...Read More ›

How to Prevent Picky Eating

Every parent wants what’s best for their child- and that includes making sure they’re eating nutritious meals! Living Healthy TV host Jackie Bender met up with FEED Founder and Registered Dietitian, Lara Field, to get some tips and tricks on how parents can help their little ones learn to love nutritious and healthful foods. Check...Read More ›

10 Foolproof Recipes for Fall

We know fall can be a busy time. The days are getting shorter, but activities and social obligations show no signs of slowing down. Meals might need to be fast, but they can still be filling, which is why we’ve rounded up some of our simplest and most straightforward recipes. Read on for 10 of...Read More ›

What a Dietitian Buys at the Grocery Store

Ever wonder what’s in a dietitian’s grocery haul? Read on for the must-buys and favorite new finds of the FEED RDs: FEED founder Lara Field is a pediatric nutrition expert and mom of two, so her go-to grabs often include easy eats for the whole family including:   Easy lunch options Whole wheat pasta Amy’s...Read More ›

How to Roast Vegetables

Roasting is an easy and delicious way to prepare a large amount of vegetables for the week ahead, which is why we often recommend this cooking technique to our clients. Follow FEED dietitian and chef Sara Haas step-by-step instructions for roasting the right way: To Roast Preheat your oven to 425 degrees while prepping your vegetables....Read More ›